Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell

I'm a technology nerd that loves playing piano, playing with new electronics, being on the water, and solving new problems.
227 posts
Initial projects on Kaos

Initial projects on Kaos

I've installed new lighting, batteries, and dealt with challenges around the electrical system. I began my electronics conversion, and have replaced my toilets. Even more projects are on the horizon.
Steve Mitchell 11 min read
New Peplink antenna testing

New Peplink antenna testing

There have been a lot of new cellular antennas that have come out in the last few months from Peplink. I've been testing some of them for a while, and have some interesting findings.
Steve Mitchell 9 min read
A few days at Oro Bay

A few days at Oro Bay

Oro Bay on the south end of Anderson Island in the Salish Sea is a beautiful anchorage with a nearby park, quiet privacy, and wonderful views.
Steve Mitchell 7 min read
New Verizon data plans

New Verizon data plans

Verizon has added new data only plans to their lineup for both pre-paid and post-paid customers. This is great news for those folks needing VZW coverage.
Steve Mitchell 3 min read

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