Peplink Maritime Antennas
Peplink's new Maritime series of antennas prove to be well built, have lots of coverage for various bands, and are a prime contender for any marine setup.
Peplink's new Maritime series of antennas prove to be well built, have lots of coverage for various bands, and are a prime contender for any marine setup.
My first revision internet setup for Kaos including multiple 5G cellular links, domes, marine grade antennas, access points and more.
There have been a lot of new cellular antennas that have come out in the last few months from Peplink. I've been testing some of them for a while, and have some interesting findings.
This is my Peplink and Poynting based internet system for 2020 aboard Rendezvous using LTE and WiFi sources, and marine grade components
I have been testing a lot of different LTE router and antenna combinations this year from Peplink, MikroTik, Teltonika, Poynting and more.
There has been a lot going on lately, and I wanted to provide an update on what I am working on and testing. My primary focus has been on internet connectivity aboard which has become even more important with the current world situation.
I'm always on the lookout for new LTE antennas that could help improve my signal while on the water. Poynting has a couple of interesting marine antennas...