Hey there, I'm Steve 👋
I write about internet connectivity afloat 📡, marine electronics ⚡️, and other boating technology. I love testing new tech, taking on crazy electrical projects, and sharing my experience with others. I travel around the Salish Sea on board my boat Aruna and provide consulting, installation and training services.
Please feel free to subscribe to my newsletter 👇 and join in the discussion forum, or send me a note if you have a question.
Featured posts

We bought a 50' 2003 Kristen Yachts steel pilot house trawler in late 2023. She is an amazing ship with tons of cool systems and a relaxing interior.
12 min read

Using Starlink with Peplink
Having a Peplink router with a cellular modem paired with Starlink is essential for reliable connectivity aboard the boat.
21 min read

Set up Signal K and Grafana on Raspberry Pi with PICAN-M NMEA 2000 board
With the advent of streamlined Raspberry Pi + NMEA 2000 hardware, building a dedicated Signal K server has never been easier. This article walks you through the steps.
31 min read
Latest posts

2024 Trip Highlights and Stats
2024 was an epic year - 3000 miles, my favorite anchorage ever in the Central Coast of British Columbia, northern lights, and more.
17 min read

Aruna's internet setup
Staying connected while living aboard full time requires a high quality internet router, Starlink, and cellular connections all configured and optimized for Teams and Zoom.
11 min read

Meet Aruna!
We bought a 50' 2003 Kristen Yachts steel pilot house trawler in late 2023. She is an amazing ship with tons of cool systems and a relaxing interior.
12 min read

2023 Trip Highlights and Stats
I did over 2800 nautical miles and 370 hours underway this year on Kaos all around the Salish Sea, mostly in Canada.
6 min read

Capsule dishwasher
The Loch Capsule dishwasher is great for a boat - low water and power usage, quick cycle time, and fits full size plates without compromises
5 min read

Seaview light and mount
I wanted to provide a better spot to mount my Starlink, GPS and wind instrument, as well as improve the anchor and steaming lights.
6 min read

WiFi as WAN
Using a remote WiFi network as a source of internet on your boat is useful, but know the limitations of the devices and features available to you.
9 min read

Victron electrical system after 14 months
I've been using Kaos' new Victron LiFePO4 electrical system for 14 months now and have some performance, changes, and updates to share.
12 min read

Supercharged Victron displays & push alerts
Victron provides amazing visibility into your electrical system, but GuiMods takes it to the next level with tons more data and usability.
7 min read

Starlink flat high performance in-motion dish initial impressions
Starlink has released a flat, high-performance dish that can be used in-motion and comes with a wedge mount that may work well on your boat.
15 min read

Kaos LiFePO4 electrical system v1
Kaos gets a new Victron 24 volt LiFePO4 electrical system that increases the reliability, capacity, and visibility.
22 min read

Using Starlink with Peplink
Having a Peplink router with a cellular modem paired with Starlink is essential for reliable connectivity aboard the boat.
21 min read