NMEA 2000 bus data and SignalK

NMEA 2000 bus data and SignalK

A while ago I wrote about my SignalK first look experience, and the captures I had taken to help the dev team with various systems and instruments they might not have direct access to.  I decided to dig a bit deeper into the amount of data that was on my NMEA 2000 bus since I was surprised at some of the errors and issues they uncovered with SignalK, and wanted to make sure there weren’t any problems with my bus or devices.

I set out to analyze the data I had captured during my first look experiments, and subsequent playings with SignalK…

I analyzed as much of it as I could, and even broke out my Maretron N2KMeter to see what was going on.  I found some misbehaving members of the network, and ended up contacting the vendors to see if they had a fix, which they did.  The primary offender was a Maretron heading sensor which was sending too frequent updates, against the configuration that I had in place.

SignalK seems to be catching on all over the place.  One of my favorite blogs, The Marine Installer’s Rant, did a great overview of SignalK and what it is in SignalK FAQ’s.  I highly recommend reading this if you’re interested in an intro.

Below is a capture of less than a second’s data on my NMEA 2000 bus.  It is a bit hard to read, but you can see the frequent updates from the engine, AC & DC monitors, compass, AIS, depth, speed, and weather sensors.  So much data!

2015-01-15-16:13:02.778 3 192 255 65014 Utility Phase A Basic AC Quantities: Line-Line AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; AC RMS Current = 11 A 2015-01-15-16:13:02.778 2 245 255 129025 Position, Rapid Update: Latitude = 47.6292119; Longitude = -122.3891033 2015-01-15-16:13:02.778 2 245 255 129026 COG & SOG, Rapid Update: SID = 180; COG Reference = True; COG = Unknown; SOG = 0.00 m/s 2015-01-15-16:13:02.778 2 17 255 127488 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update: Engine Instance = Single Engine or Dual Engine Port; Engine Speed = 0.0 rpm; Engine Tilt/Trim = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.778 2 2 255 129026 COG & SOG, Rapid Update: SID = 21; COG Reference = True; COG = 0.0 deg; SOG = 0.05 m/s 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 3 192 255 65015 Utility Total AC Reactive Power: Reactive Power = 0 var; Power Factor Lagging = Lagging 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 2 17 255 127245 Rudder: Instance = 0; Direction Order = Unknown; Angle Order = -0.0 deg; Position = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 4 43 255 129038 AIS Class A Position Report: Message ID = 1; Repeat Indicator = Initial; User ID = 367030568; Longitude = -122.3791965; Latitude = 47.6588466; Position Accuracy = Low; RAIM = not in use; Time Stamp = 1; COG = 222.6 deg; SOG = 0.00 m/s; Communication State = 0x18039; AIS Transceiver information = Channel A VDL r eception; Heading = Unknown; Rate of Turn = Unknown; Nav Status = Under way using engine; Regional Application = 0 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 5 36 255 130312 Temperature: SID = Unknown; Temperature Instance = 0; Temperature Source = Sea Temperature 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 3 36 255 128267 Water Depth: SID = 57; Depth = 6.73 m; Offset = -0.610 m 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 7 36 255 65408 Airmar: Depth Quality Factor: Manufacturer Code = Airmar; Industry Code = Marine Industry; SID = 57; Depth Quality Factor = 10 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 7 36 255 65409 Manufacturer Proprietary single-frame non-addressed: Manufacturer Code = Airmar; Industry Code = Marine; Data = 0xff000003e8ff 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 7 36 255 65410 Airmar: Device Information: Manufacturer Code = Airmar; Industry Code = Marine Industry; SID = 58; Internal Device Temperature = 17.44 C (63.4 F); Supply Voltage = 12.98 V 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 2 36 255 128259 Speed: SID = 58; Speed Water Referenced = 0.00 m/s; Speed Ground Referenced = Unknown; Speed Water Referenced Type = Paddle wheel 2015-01-15-16:13:02.779 5 36 255 130310 Environmental Parameters: SID = 116 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 3 192 255 65016 Utility Total AC Power: Real Power = 1253 W; Apparent Power = 1253 VA 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 6 36 255 128275 Distance Log: Log = 207.397 km; Trip Log = 207.397 km 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 5 41 255 130311 Environmental Parameters: SID = 157; Temperature Source = Inside Temperature; Humidity Source = Unknown; Temperature = 13.14 C (55.7 F); Humidity = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 5 41 255 130311 Environmental Parameters: SID = 157; Temperature Source = Engine Room Temperature; Humidity Source = Unknown; Temperature = 7.78 C (46.0 F); Humidity = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 5 41 255 130311 Environmental Parameters: SID = 157; Temperature Source = Main Cabin Temperature; Humidity Source = Unknown; Temperature = 16.66 C (62.0 F); Humidity = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 0 0 0 262386 Actisense: System status: SID = 1; Model ID = 14; Serial ID = 111036; Error ID = 0; Indi channel count = 2; Ch1 Rx Bandwidth = 19; Ch1 Rx Load = 4; Ch1 Rx Filtered = 0; Ch1 Rx Dropped = 0; Ch1 Tx Bandwidth = 0; Ch1 Tx Load = 0; Ch2 Rx Bandwidth = 0; Ch2 Rx Load = 0; Ch2 Rx Filtered = 0; Ch2 Rx Dropped = 0; Ch2 Tx Bandwidth = 46; Ch2 Tx Load = 98; Uni channel count = 2; Ch1 Bandwidth = 11; Ch1 Deleted = 0; Ch1 BufferLoading = 2; Ch1 PointerLoading = 6; Ch2 Bandwidth = 16; Ch2 Deleted = 0; Ch2 BufferLoading = 0; Ch2 PointerLoading = 0 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 2 3 255 65280 Manufacturer Proprietary single-frame non-addressed: Manufacturer Code = Navico; Industry Code = Marine; Data = 0x200000504 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 2 2 255 129025 Position, Rapid Update: Latitude = 47.6292158; Longitude = -122.3891621 2015-01-15-16:13:02.780 4 43 255 129038 AIS Class A Position Report: Message ID = 1; Repeat Indicator = Initial; User ID = 367058210; Longitude = -122.3565565; Latitude = 47.5729983; Position Accuracy = Low; RAIM = not in use; Time Stamp = 1; COG = 28.5 deg; SOG = 0.00 m/s; Communication State = 0x803a; AIS Transceiver information = Channel B VDL rec eption; Heading = Unknown; Rate of Turn = Unknown; Nav Status = Under way using engine; Regional Application = 0 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 3 17 255 128267 Water Depth: SID = Unknown; Depth = Unknown; Offset = -0.001 m 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 3 192 255 65012 Utility Phase A AC Reactive Power: Reactive Power = 0 var; Power Factor Lagging = Lagging 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 3 192 255 65013 Utility Phase A AC Power: Real Power = 1253 W; Apparent Power = 1253 VA 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 3 192 255 65017 Utility Average Basic AC Quantities: Line-Line AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; AC RMS Current = 11 A 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 3 192 255 65005 Utility Total AC Energy: Total Energy Export = 5425 kWh; Total Energy Import = 0 kWh 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 2 98 255 127250 Vessel Heading: SID = 123; Heading = 235.1 deg; Deviation = 0.0 deg; Variation = Unknown; Reference = Magnetic 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 2 98 255 127251 Rate of Turn: SID = 123; Rate = -0.137653 deg/s 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 2 130 255 130306 Wind Data: SID = 68; Wind Speed = 0.58 m/s; Wind Angle = 221.7 deg; Reference = Apparent 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 3 192 255 65014 Utility Phase A Basic AC Quantities: Line-Line AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; AC RMS Current = 11 A 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 3 192 255 65015 Utility Total AC Reactive Power: Reactive Power = 0 var; Power Factor Lagging = Lagging 2015-01-15-16:13:02.781 2 17 255 127489 Engine Parameters, Dynamic: Engine Instance = Single Engine or Dual Engine Port; Temperature = 6.85 C (44.3 F); Alternator Potential = 13.75 V; Fuel Rate = -0.1 L/h; Total Engine hours = 309600 s; Fuel Pressure = Unknown; Discrete Status 1 = -0 ,0=Check Engine,1=Over Temperature,2=Low Oil Pressure,3=Low Oil Lev el,4=Low Fuel Pressure,5=Low System Voltage,6=Low Coolant Level,7=Water Flow,8=Water In Fuel,9=Charge Indicator,10=Preheat Indicator,11=High Boost Pressure,12=Rev Limit Exceeded,13=EGR System,14=Throttle Position Sensor,15=Emergency Stop; Discrete Status 2 = -0 ,0=Warning Level 1,1=Warning Level 2,2=Power Reduction,3=Maintenance Needed,4=Engine Comm Er ror,5=Sub or Secondary Throttle,6=Neutral Start Protect,7=Engine Shutting Down; Percent Engine Load = -1; Percent Engine Torque = -1 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 2 17 255 127245 Rudder: Instance = 0; Direction Order = Unknown; Angle Order = -0.0 deg; Position = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 3 192 255 65016 Utility Total AC Power: Real Power = 1253 W; Apparent Power = 1253 VA 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 2 17 255 127488 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update: Engine Instance = Single Engine or Dual Engine Port; Engine Speed = 0.0 rpm; Engine Tilt/Trim = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 2 2 255 129025 Position, Rapid Update: Latitude = 47.6292158; Longitude = -122.3891621 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 3 192 255 65012 Utility Phase A AC Reactive Power: Reactive Power = 0 var; Power Factor Lagging = Lagging 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 3 192 255 65013 Utility Phase A AC Power: Real Power = 1253 W; Apparent Power = 1253 VA 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 3 192 255 65017 Utility Average Basic AC Quantities: Line-Line AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; AC RMS Current = 11 A 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 3 192 255 65005 Utility Total AC Energy: Total Energy Export = 5425 kWh; Total Energy Import = 0 kWh 2015-01-15-16:13:02.782 2 98 255 127250 Vessel Heading: SID = 127; Heading = 235.2 deg; Deviation = 0.0 deg; Variation = Unknown; Reference = Magnetic 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 2 98 255 127251 Rate of Turn: SID = 127; Rate = -0.135802 deg/s 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 2 130 255 130306 Wind Data: SID = 72; Wind Speed = 0.65 m/s; Wind Angle = 224.0 deg; Reference = Apparent 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 3 192 255 65014 Utility Phase A Basic AC Quantities: Line-Line AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage = 117 V; AC RMS Current = 11 A 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 5 17 255 130310 Environmental Parameters: SID = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 3 192 255 65015 Utility Total AC Reactive Power: Reactive Power = 0 var; Power Factor Lagging = Lagging 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 2 17 255 127245 Rudder: Instance = 0; Direction Order = Unknown; Angle Order = -0.0 deg; Position = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 2 245 255 129025 Position, Rapid Update: Latitude = 47.6292119; Longitude = -122.3891034 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 3 192 255 65016 Utility Total AC Power: Real Power = 1253 W; Apparent Power = 1253 VA 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 2 17 255 127488 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update: Engine Instance = Single Engine or Dual Engine Port; Engine Speed = 0.0 rpm; Engine Tilt/Trim = Unknown 2015-01-15-16:13:02.783 2 245 255 129026 COG & SOG, Rapid Update: SID = 183; COG Reference = True; COG = Unknown; SOG = 0.00 m/s 2015-01-15-16:13:02.784 7 2 255 127258 Magnetic Variation: SID = 21; Source = Unknown; Variation = 16.1 deg 2015-01-15-16:13:02.784 7 4 255 127258 Magnetic Variation: SID = 20; Source = Unknown; Variation = 16.1 deg 2015-01-15-16:13:02.784 2 2 255 129025 Position, Rapid Update: Latitude = 47.6292158; Longitude = -122.3891621